Friday, December 5, 2008

Both Sides of the Scare

As the Red Scare became more of a threat to the American society, more citizens began taking sides on the Red Scare rather than sitting on the fence about this issue. Both sides began to battle on what was correct. On one side of this battle was the group of individuals who decided that America was a country that should be accepting of all people and political views. The other side of the argument was people that began spreading the idea of McCarthyism. This group of people began naming influencial figures and connecting them to communism in order to scare the citizens of America. Many works were involved in McCarthyism but most famous was the Hollywood Blacklist. This was a list put together by McCarthyism followers that accused actors, writers, and producers of being communists. Both sides of the fight equally broadcasted their views and both sides created propagnda against the other. Pictures that both sides used to influnece the American's that were neutral on this matter follow.

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